over $150,000 in additional monthly revenue by increasing conversion rate by an average of 6.9% and revenue per user by 37.8% per test

What the client had to say
Alex, the founder of Ozarke reached out to us as they had aggressive plans to scale the business, but acknowledged that their conversion rate wasn’t quite where they wanted it to be. They operate in a competitive market, and so were keen to explore ways to maximise conversions from the traffic they were spending money to generate.
The results
Our research showed showed 3 key areas we would need to focus on initially: Product discovery (website Usability) was a proble, however the search function was showing a lot of promise. Product information (customer anxiety) wasn’t as readily accessible as vistors wanted and there were lots of support tickets related to product information, and finally, product imagery (the motivation factor) needed to show more angles, more information, and really excite the potential customer.
By targeting these 3 key areas, we achieved an average of 6.9% lift in conversion rate, and a huge 37.8% increase in revenue per visitor for each test we ran, generating an additional $150,000 in monthly revenue.

Home Decor
Short Term Results
Average of 6.9% improvement to conversion rate & 37.8% Revenue Per User per test
Long Term Results
Over $150,000 in additional monthly revenue
Alex Elsaadi
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